
Got rid of sharebox, might bring it back another time after i figure out what to do with this. Also adjusted how the main page functions.


Made some pretty major revisions. Added in my art, changed up the layout, and tried to make this more mobile friendly. Oberon now chills in the top corner up there! and another little doll of my boy too the side. Fresh eyes made me change up a bit.


Website launch!

Tektonix || 20 || Hobbyist

Welcome to my website! There isn't much to see just yet, and a few links are still broken

I can be found on Lioden (#37281) and Wolvden (#1562)! I dream of developing the skills to make something similar :)

Wanna chat or have questions? I'm .tektonix on discord!

This site is just a playground of sorts. I mess aorund and practice CSS/HTML/JavaScript, while also doubling as a profolio. I hope you like what you see!